Giving back to the community
Corporate Partnerships
Our corporate champions make a world of the difference in the food bank’s ability to serve its customers. As we work together with them to build dignity, nourish lives and share abundance in our local community, we smile because they help us make it happen each and every day.
Food from grocery stores like Safeway, Nob Hill and Lucky add variety and wider selections of groceries to The Marketplace at Community FoodBank. Retail goods from stores like Target enable The Boutique at Community FoodBank to offer low cost items like soap, shampoo and other personal care items and, at the same time, generate funding for our food programs. Canned goods and boxed shelf-stable foods collected during food drives like the Letter Carriers’ Stamp Out Hunger supply our agency store and also bolsters The Marketplace during the times of year when the availability of fresh produce slows down.
Feed the Need
Safeway shoppers can purchase a pre-filled bag of groceries for $10 and donate it to Community FoodBank during check-out. Donations made at the Hollister Safeway store help provide our most-needed items to help feed those in need in San Benito County.
Visit Safeway, 591 Tres Pinos Road, Hollister, CA 95023
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Nob Hill Foods
Food for Families
When you give to the Food for Families program at the Nob Hill Foods store in Hollister, 100 percent of your donation helps feed the hungry in San Benito County.
Donations to the Food for Families program can be made at the chekout stand – look for the clear plastic donation box to deposit your coins or bills, or the on-screen prompt when you pay by card.
Visit Nob Hill Foods, 1700 Airline Highway, Hollister, CA 95023
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Corporate responsibility
Target’s corporate responsibility stance includes hunger relief, and is a valuable asset to Community FoodBank’s mission here in San Benito County. The Target store in Hollister donates directly to us thousands of pounds of food each year, and thousands of retail products.
Visit Target, 1790 Airline Highway, Hollister, CA 95023
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Peanut Butter Roundup
Healthy sources of protein are always welcome at Community FoodBank of San Benito County, so Lucky Stores’ annual peanut butter drive is cause for celebration! Partnering with Jif, shoppers are invited to buy a jar, and to donate a second jar free of charge to the local food bank. At the end of the drive hundreds of pounds of peanut butter make its way to Community FoodBank and into the hands of consumers.
Visit Lucky, 291 McCray Street, Hollister, CA 95023
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National Association of Letter Carriers
Stamp Out Hunger
Stamp Out Hunger is a national, coordinated effort by the NALC to help fight hunger in America each May. Here in San Benito County, Community FoodBank works directly with our local letter carriers and post offices.
How it works
In May, on the designated day of the food drive, just set out your non-perishable food well before your letter carrier’s normal pick-up time. The earlier the better! Note that he or she will be delivering and collecting mail as usual, on top of collecting food donations, so that pickup time could be slightly later than usual. Your letter carrier might also have helpers. A good rule of thumb is to have the bags by your mailbox by 9:00 a.m.
Learn more about the Letter Carriers’ Stamp Out Hunger food drive