Helping students succeed
Student Snack Bag Program
To help some children make it through the weekends, when school food programs aren’t available, we fill bags with nutritious, child-friendly food for students to take home in their backpacks. With this help, they can come back to school on Monday feeling better and more ready to learn.
Contact your child’s school to find out about availability of the Student Snack Bag program.
Food fuel
Who doesn’t love to feed kids?
At Community FoodBank, we certainly do! The Student Snack Bag initiative reaches out directly to students in San Benito County schools each week during the school year. When the kitchens close in school cafeterias, the food doesn’t stop coming. Student Snack Bags are given to students every Friday, filled with kid-friendly food that provides two weekend breakfasts, lunches and snacks.

It’s a proven fact:
Well nourished students do better in school. If you’re skeptical, just ask a teacher! Each year, the number of “Student Snack Bag” grows, and because of the specific food items needed for Student Snack Bags, it’s the most specialized endeavor the food bank engages in. It’s also your chance to make a difference, because just $100 is enough to supply a local kid with weekend nourishment for a school year.
The essential volunteer
Volunteer teams make it all happen
Local companies, civic organizations and churches see Community FoodBank as a valuable way to use their volunteering programs. As a result, we are fortunate to have teams of volunteers come to the food bank and play the vital role of packing student snack bags, USDA food bags and customer service in the Marketplace.
The time that the volunteer teams dedicate to supporting our food programs is something we love to tell other people about. It’s an important part of who we are.

Anne Frank
“Everyone has inside them a piece of good news. The good news is you don’t know how great you can be! How much you can love! What you can accomplish! And what your potential is.”