12 Days of Giving donations

Partnering with you makes a genuine difference in the fight against hunger in San Benito County, and your generosity through 12 Days of Giving is so appreciated! Together, we are alleviating hunger and building dignity in San Benito County, providing food to our neighbors each month through programs with the power to change lives.

All donations go directly to Community FoodBank programs and initiatives, benefiting people in San Benito County.

Donations are tax deductible. Tax ID: 77-0306871.

Checks may be mailed to: 1133 San Felipe Road, Hollister, CA 95023

If you have questions or would like to talk about the food bank’s mission, programs or sponsorship opportunities in more detail, please call (831) 637-0340 or email info@communityfoodbankofsbc.org.

12 Days of Giving donation